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Old Hall

Primary School

Aspirational, Inspirational, Motivational - Aim High

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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Our team is made up of Mrs Hornsby (class teacher), Mrs Clarke (TA), Mrs Nuttall (SSA), Mr Hargreaves (SSA) as well as Mrs Simpson (reading volunteer). 

We are really excited for all the learning opportunities the children will have over the next year and we can not wait to share our journey with you!

On this page, you will find our curriculum map for the year, weekly spellings, suggestions for home learning experiences as well as updated photographs of some of the super learning that goes on. 



Class information

Spellings: The children will be given these on Mondays, for a test the following week.


PE/ Games: This will be on Thursdays for this half term. Please ensure that the children have their PE kits in school, including pumps or trainers please.


Outdoor Learning: This will be on Tuesdays this half term. The children are to come in suitable outdoor clothing with a change of shoes and socks on this day. 


Homework: This will be handed out on Thursdays for the following Monday.   


Reading: The children will be have the opportunity to have their reading book changed whenever they are ready. Our reading volunteer, Mrs Simpson will hear the children read on Tuesdays and Thursdays when she will set reading homework for the children to do. Please know that the children can read more if they like, this is just the minimum requirement expected. The children are to bring their reading book into school daily, signed by an adult at home. Any child that has their book signed three times weekly will be given a raffle ticket and has the chance of winning a prize at the end of the week. 

Spellings wk beg 10.6.24

Spellings wk beg 17.6.24

Spellings wk beg 24.6.24

Spellings wk beg 1.7.24

Spellings wk beg 8.7.24

The children finally got to meet their penfriends from Holcombe Brook PS today and had a lovely morning getting to know them. They played games, took part in forest school crafts and activities and shared snacks and drinks time with them. They got on so well and the morning flew by. Before we knew it, it was time to head back but not before we promised to return the favour in a few weeks time, when we meet up again. 

The last couple of weeks of Forest School saw the children learning all about fire safety and cooking. We toasted marshmallows and made pizzas and the children enjoyed feasting on these. It was a fitting end to our outdoor learning experience, where the children have learnt new skills, developed team bonds and grown in confidence.... alongside having fun by the bucket load. A massive thank you to Hannah Pellatt for sharing her wisdom and enthusiasm and inspiring us all to embrace the outdoors.  

Another week of forest school in the lovely sunshine! The children enjoyed making their own dye from beetroot, onions and spinach and weaving and printing using natural resources from the garden. In addition, they practiced more braiding using ropes, pond dipping and searching for minibeasts under rocks and logs. 

The third week of Forest School saw the children enjoying pond dipping and learning how to tie different knots. It's great to see how the children are becoming more confident in the environment and working together as a team. They are taking a real delight in learning new skills and love talking about their experiences. 

The children are absolutely loving learning forest school skills and the fact that the sun shone on us this week, made it even better! We played some team bonding games to begin with and then the children had the opportunity to rotate around the various activities on offer. These included making their own paint from chalk and natural resources and painting with ferns, making fat balls and bird feeders for our feathered friends and making and launching seed bombs to help the environment thrive.  The children also get the chance to explore the garden area and identify some of the things found there. The only drawback is that the time goes too quickly!

Enjoying Forest School!

Our visit to Bolton Museum

Meeting up with our pen friends from Holcombe Brook

Designing and making cushions in DT

Y3's visit to the Fire Training Centre 7.6.23

Road Safety Road Show

Investigating muscles

Trip to Manchester Museum to learn about the Ancient Egyptians

Egyptian art

Making (and eating) fruit crumble using seasonal fruits

The King's Coronation celebrations

In Art and Design, the children have been looking at how to build their own structures from card to create sculptures. They had to think how they could make their pieces of 2D card become 3D shapes, that stood by themselves. They also looked at different ways of joining pieces together without using glue or tape. They worked together to create their designs. 

The children loved the opportunity to dress up as their favourite film and book characters for Book Day this week. They took part in book related activities during the day, including working together to make shadow puppet theatres and performing, which also fitted in really well with the Science we are doing on Light and Shadows at the moment. They also enjoyed meeting Paul Jenkins, who took the time to not only perform some of his poems with the class but also write a brand new poem with them... inspired by the various book characters!

This half term in History, the children have been learning all about the Anglo Saxons. Here is a taste of what the children have been doing...

In Science, the children are enjoying examining and sorting rocks in different ways using Venn and Carroll diagrams to do this...

In Art and History, we have been learning all about how the Stone Age people communicated using cave art. We created our own paint by crushing berries and using the juice produced to make handprints. We also practiced the technique of line drawing to produce our own animal images and then used paint in natural colours to make these stand out. We worked together on different sections of "the cave" to do this...

The children visited Communitree in Summerseat as part of our History topic on the Stone Age. They loved working together to make dens, exploring the forest, open fire cooking, sawing wood, making jewellery and generally just getting covered in mud! They had a ball!!
