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Old Hall

Primary School

Aspirational, Inspirational, Motivational - Aim High

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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Our team is made up of Mr Cooley (class teacher), Mrs Brown (TA) and Mr Hargreaves (SSA), as well as Mrs Simpson (reading volunteer).  Mrs Hornsby takes the class on a Thursday. 


On this page, you will find our curriculum map for the year, the class's spellings and photographs of some of the super learning that goes on. 



Class information

Spellings: All the children in Key Stage 2 follow the Read, Write, Inc. spelling scheme.  The scheme focuses on a particular skill or rule over a fortnight.  The children will be therefore be given a paper copy of their spelling words on alternate Mondays, for a test at the end of the following week.


PE/ Games: Year 3's P.E. days are currently Wednesday and Friday.  If there is any change to this arrangement, we will let you know.  Please ensure that the children wear their P.E. kit and trainers when they come to school on these days.


Homework: In addition to the spelling sheet detailed above, the children will have the opportunity to practise online using Purple Mash.  Your child's individual log-in details are attached to the inside of their reading records.  There will also be multiplication times tables practice for them to complete.


Reading: The children will have the opportunity to have their reading book changed whenever they are ready. Our reading volunteer, Mrs Simpson will hear the children read on Tuesdays and Thursdays in addition to the daily guided reading your children will do with and unseen text in the classroom.  Please know that the children can read more if they like, this is just the minimum requirement expected. The children are to bring their reading book into school daily, signed by an adult at home. Any child that has their book signed three times weekly will be given a raffle ticket and has the chance of winning a prize at the end of the week. 

Copies of the spelling sheets linked to the Read Write Inc. scheme are available below. 

Our Learning Journey

The Key Stage 2 maths learning starts with the place value of 3-digit numbers.  Using base-10 to investigate these numbers helps us to understand the value of hundreds, tens and ones, and how they inter-relate. 
