Eco Warriors
Meet the team
Welcome to Old Hall's Eco Warrior page. This page will tell you all about our team and some of the ideas we have. As an eco warrior, we hold meetings, make suggestions and decisions, as well as being involved in projects that the team runs, both in school and as part of the wider community.
This year so far, we will...
Elect new members for our team- 2 children from each year group.
Complete an enviromental review of our school.
Create an action plan.
Set up a suggestion box.
Create a notice board in school for others to see what we do.
Aims for the future...
To reduce the amount of paper in school and encourage people to recycle.
To encourage children to use re-usable water bottles.
To collect and recycle plastic whiteboard pens and felt-tips.
To collect and recycle batteries.
To collect and recycle crisp packets
We have an overview of what we hope to cover this year...
Crisp Packet Recycling
We have collected over 1000 empty crisp packets from children eating packed lunches. Some of the teachers and children have helped by bringing some in from home too!
We put up posters around the school to raise awareness. We have collected so many packets!
RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch
The Eco team took part in the Big Garden Bird watch, spending an hour of their weekend watching and counting groups of birds in their gardens. Some of the birds we saw were:
Blackbird, House sparrow, Wood Pigeon, Blue tit, Coal tit, Robin and the Dunnock. Click below for your own bird watching checklist to see who is visiting your garden.
Used Pen Recycling Collection
Our Eco Warriors encouraged the whole school to collect their used pens and whiteboard pens saving them from going to landfill through the TerraCycle recycling scheme.
National Spring Clean-Up
Last year's Eco Warriors took part in the National Spring Clean-Up, where we went out in the local community to collect all the rubbish we could find. We surveyed our findings and then sent off our information to help inform the national survey being held.