At Old Hall Primary we use the Read Write Inc scheme. We have used this for many years now and have found it effective in helping our children recognise their sounds, use these in their reading and writing and understand the language of digraphs, trigraphs and graphemes. In Reception the children make speedy progress through their set one and two sounds and are able to use these in their independent activities. In Year 1 the children start to learn set three sounds and the alternative spellings of words. In the Summer term the Year 1 children have to complete a phonics screening test and we are pleased that a lot of our pupils feel confident and relaxed whilst doing this. In Year 2 the phonics programme continues in the Autumn term with additional small group intervention for those who require it. The class as a whole continue to learn all the alternative spelling patterns and more complex reading and writing methods with a solid phonics foundation on which to do this.
Reading Books and Phonics
As the children begin their phonics journey in school, they will take home reading books linked to the letters and sounds that they have been taught. This is so that the children read with confidence and this in turn builds reading fluency and comprehension. In addition to their phonetically decodable reading book, the children will also bring home a sharing book selected by themselves for enjoyment. This book is designed for sharing and will not be matched to your child's phonic ability. They are likely to need more help to read it or can have it read to them - it is simply to be enjoyed however you and your child wish.
Our phonetically decodable matched reading books span a wide range of schemes including Collins Big Cat, Oxford Reading Tree Phonics, Rigby Star and Oxford Literacy Web to name just a few.
Below is a link to the Oxford Owl website with useful information linked to Read, Write, Inc.