The aim of our whole school curriculum is to provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations to know how to make a positive contribution to their community and wider society. Our school provides a broad and balanced learning experience in a highly inclusive environment where learners at all levels are helped to achieve their potential in a place where they feel safe, loved and respected.
PSHE as a subject has been non-statutory although it stated in the National Curriculum Framework 2014 section 2.5 “All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), drawing on good practice”.
In July 2019 the government made Relationship, Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing Education compulsory for all Primary Schools from September 2020.
As a part of your child’s educational experience at Old Hall, we aim to promote personal wellbeing and development through a programme of Personal, Social, Health education (PSHE) and Relationship Sex Education (RSE) that gives children the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive and fulfilled lives, both now and in the future.
At Old Hall Primary School, PSHE/RSE is integral to our whole ethos and curriculum in ensuring all children are happy, safe and confident so as to maximise their learning potential and be equipped with the skills to succeed in the wider world. The PSHE/RSE curriculum that we use is called ‘Kapow’.
Teachers will also consider those concepts which are current and relevant for modern Britain and specific classes/pupils and incorporate these into daily practise.
Throughout the year we enhance our curriculum with other activities which relate to specific days, weeks, world events. E.g. Anti-bullying week, Internet Safety Day, Mental Health Week, Charity work, community projects.
The Department for Education has made changes to relationships and sex education (RSE) following a nationwide consultation. All schools are required to comply with the updated requirements. The statutory guidance can be found at:
The guidance focuses on healthy relationships and keeping children safe in the modern world. It also covers a wide range of topics relating to physical and mental health, wellbeing, safeguarding and healthy relationships. Learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up will give our children the information, skills and positive values to have safe, fulfilling relationships and help them take responsibility for their own well-being.
From September 2020, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), along with Health Education, will be statutory, and form part of the National Curriculum. In line with these changes the Kapow program we use has been updated to include the statutory RSHE (Relationships Education, Sex Education and Health Education) following the consultation process.
Some children have been involved in creating worry dolls to help them discuss and share their worries. Sometimes children find it easier to speak to a doll than a human.
Protected Characteristics
No form of discrimination is tolerated at Old Hall. Respect for ourselves and for all others is reinforced. Our Kapow curriculum provides regular, age-appropriate teaching and learning opportunities to further reinforce respect for a diverse range of people, including those with protected characteristics. The document below details the integrated lessons that teach children to show respect for those who share protected characteristics.