Ethos and Values
Ethos and Values
Mission Statement
At Old Hall, staff and governors, in partnership with parents, are committed to providing a high quality education which encourages each child to develop his/her fullest potential within a happy, caring and challenging environment.
Our ethos at Old Hall is captured within our school motto:
'Aim High at Old Hall'
General Aims and Values
1. To help pupils develop lively enquiring minds, the ability to question and to argue rationally.
2. To help children develop the qualities of self motivation, self discipline, self reliance and maturity.
3. To help pupils acquire the knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes laid down in the Early Years Foundation Stage framework and in the National Curriculum and those which will be of permanent value to their development as individuals, will prepare them for later stages of their education and for taking their places as adult members of society.
4. To help pupils develop respect for religious beliefs and moral values, an understanding of other races, cultures and religions and an appreciation of the dignity and inherent self-worth of all humanity, regardless of gender, race or creed.
5. To help pupils appreciate human achievements and aspirations, and to understand how they can contribute to these.
6. To help pupils understand and value the environment and world in which they live and the interdependence of individuals, functional groups and nations.