News Around School
Here You Will Be Able To See Regular Updates Of Our Fun & Exciting Activities
Year 2 have recreated the Great Fire of London from 1666! They made their own London homes similar to how they would have looked in 1666. Unfortunately they also created Pudding Lane & history repeated itself...
Year 2 - The Great Fire of London
Primary Engineer Leaders Award 2020
All of our children had the opportunity to enter into this competition which was held earlier on in the year. Children had the chance to invent something that would improve another persons life in some way. There was a chance to visit the gallery virtually, where all of the winning entries were displayed, using the virtually reality glasses that were part of her prize. This is the second year that we have entered and last year we had a couple of winners as well.
This Year Manchester University chose Sophie from our Year One class as their winner! Well done!
Well Done Everyone! You raised £433.31 for the wonderful, local Porch Boxes Charity!...